(Note: Dedicated to a friend, stuck at a fork in the road). Came early for us. Soon after we met. Just appeared one day. Caught it like a cold;…

Breaking News: My Muse Is A Pain In The Ass
From a deep peaceful sleep, I awoke surprised to find, I…

Will Supreme Court Awaken from Self-induced Coma to Decide DOMA & Prop 8
Dear Honorable Justices, Born in Louisiana, May 18, 1896, I will celebrate - unless God remembers where he left me - my one-hundred and…

Falling In Love With Negative Space
A Sean Elias Audio Interpretation: Ever have someone compliment you for not being a certain way? Ever been attracted to someone mostly because…

Ode To Ish
A Sean Elias Audio Interpretation: Yesterday, after yet another deadline missed, I thought of This: Though not submitted "by precisely seven…